On-line learning systems use a entirely new curriculum and method of doing schoolwork. This has some very serious drawbacks for students.
There is a better way. The student may not be physically in the classroom, but they can still have the teacher, the books, and the same method of graded paper homework and tests. The Teach ME System delivers the teacher and the classroom to the student.
On-line learning is not for us.
Your Teachers Teaching

- Students get to work with the same teachers they (and their siblings) know and love.
- Teachers record their lessons. They might record from home or from the physical classroom.
- Teachers can record a week’s worth of lessons at one time if they like.
Hand Graded Homework & Tests

- Students study from the school’s physical text books.
- Students can use the same method of written homework, workbooks, and handouts they used at school.
- Teachers will hand grade the assignments.
- Tests are hand written, not on a computer.
The Student/Teacher Connection

- Let’s face it, students and computers do not form the same bond as students & teachers.
- A sense of connection is maintained by trading physical papers and handwritten notes.