Teach ME (Mobile Education) System
Packs up the Teacher and the Classroom and delivers them to the student. It is as close to the normal classroom education as you can get, without being in the classroom in person.
Recommended Components to make Mobile Education successful:
Below are the items that we think will help make your remote learning program successful. You will need the Teach ME Video Notebook customized for the school, and then the supplies to help make the video and homework exchanges possible. We design the Video Notebook specifically for the school’s curriculum with menus designed for each grade. Teachers record their lessons and upload them to a USB. Because students usually have multiple teachers, the videos could be coordinated by an aide.. Teachers have the ability to customize a student’s lesson plan for the day or week so they accommodate special needs. The teacher and student do Weekly Exchanges of homework and USBs. The teacher can also include physical supplies for the upcoming week. The school may choose to do the exchanges in person (if so, we offer school masks to help with this) or as a drive through.

Teach ME Video Notebooks
Teach ME video notebooks are custom programmed and manufactured for schools. School districts can order notebooks for their schools, and we’ll customize for each school as needed. The Video Notebooks deliver video directly to the students (without the need of internet), and organize homework & handouts. Each student needs their own notebook, but don’t worry, they are priced so that you can provide one per student.

School USBs
Teachers create a USB per student with their unique classes. In this way, Teach ME System allows students to have a customized curriculum. The USBs are large capacity (16GB), and custom printed for the school. We have multiple dies but recommend a rubber coating for durability. The Teach ME Video Notebooks stores the USB in a custom section. We also recommend three USBs per student to allow for flexibility in the recording and exchange schedule.

Weekly Exchange Bag
Custom printed school bag for homework, hand outs, tests, USBs, library books, and class supplies (science kits, art supplies, etc.)

School Masks
Promoting school spirit, Youth and Adult sizes, large variety of features. Custom printed with school’s name, logo, or mascot.