A Teacher’s Week

The teacher(s) determines the student’s curriculum and prepares the student’s lessons (video and handouts) for the week.
- Records video for the upcoming week, either in classroom or from home
- One session or multiple sessions.
- Uploads to School USB
- Prepares homework assignments for the week
- Returns graded papers to the student
A Student’s Week

The student can select the subjects and videos for the day that is laid out for them. Because the lessons are not live-streamed, they can do the lessons at their pace throughout the day, and in a way that works with whatever their home setting is.
- Watches the day’s videos
- Completes the homework assignments.
- Flexible Schedule: Students can do their at their own pace with breaks as needed to avoid back-to- back meeting fatigue.
Weekly Exchange

Every week the teach and student exchange papers and USBs. We offer a School Exchange Bag to help facilitate.
- From Teacher: New USB for upcoming week, new homework, hand-graded papers and tests.
- From Student: Last week’s USB, completed homework.
- Handwritten notes encouraged!
- Should you wish to exchange in person, we also offer custom printed school masks.